Monday, September 13, 2010

Rosh Hashanah

We celebrated the Jewish new year in an Italian police camp in PAP. They are hosting a delegation of Israeli police man, so they hosted the dinner as well. We were planning to get there really early since it was our official day of “nothing is working, wonder what else will break” and we wanted to get out of the village. In the morning we discovered that our water was finished. The day before we met a Cuban guy involved in the construction of our neighborhood. We called his English speaking engineer that assured us that the Cuban will be dropping in the afternoon with the key to open the door for the pump which is supposed to provide water. (3 days (without running water in the house) later we got a truck that filled our tanks. The Cuban never showed up and stopped answering the phone). Then in the afternoon it started raining so hard that our living room was immediately flooded with water. The mud got the better of my clean pants. So, we weren’t really surprised that it took 3 hours to get there (see the traffic post). But the dinner itself was OK with a strange (but expected) assortment of Jews from the various organizations (Spain, Guatemala, US and most of the Israelis around) and the hosting Italian cops which were very hospitable.
Guatemala UN, Italian Police Chief, UN deputy Chief, Israeli embassador celebrating the new year.

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