Monday, September 13, 2010


So – work is starting a little slowly. There are things that need to be done, but I don’t know yet how to get them done.

In the past week we had the following work related activities. However, my contribution was mainly presence. I’m still unable to run things on my own.

- School yard cleaning – a common activity between “our” people and the residents. Outcome was pretty good, especially after the tractor showed up :)

- Testing kids to check if they are registered to correct class. They are not.

- Trying to finish registration. Although registration has been going for 3 weeks, people still want to register kids to the school. Kindergarten is full and we had to start refusing registration.

- Some office meetings about grant applications.

School opens in 3 weeks and construction is still not done. Kids are not yet divided into classes, but most of the staff was hired. I assume things will start getting more hectic as the opening date comes closer.
Cleaning up the school yard

The school. Opening in 3 weeks. Missing roof / doors.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. So many things need done, ey? Is this the local school? What will those who were late with the registration do?
    I think you can safely introduce the "iheie beseder" concept. Or maybe it was them who invented it?
